cue children’s voices singing a slow creepy lullaby
It’s coming…Sunday, October 27th
Game: We’ll play a game to determine the order for picking your gift for the gift swap. If you are attending Stitchoween and want to play, please do the following: in Facebook Messenger tell me something about yourself that you believe no one else in the Sip and Stitch group knows about you – preferably something fun, playful, or interesting. Be sure it is something you are comfortable being shared at the event.
Door Prizes: We will raffle off door prizes for those most willing to get into the… spirit… of things. wink Raffle tickets will be handed out for various reasons – some will be revealed, some will be discretionary. Here’s one 1) wearing a costume (note: a t-shirt that says “This is my costume” does not count… heh, heh, I see you!).
More posts to come – keep an eye out!
~ Mistress Kiara
Gift Swap Games: We’ll have 2 swaps. If you’d like to participate in one or both bring (a) A store-bought or handmade gift valued at ~$10 (they will be separated into 2 piles), and (b) one gift valued at ~$5.
I didn’t hear from enough folks on the “interesting thing about yourself” to do the game I planned, but never fear! I have a Plan B! Make sure your cell phone is charged and you have Messenger.
Door Prizes: I will hand out raffle tickets throughout the party and we’ll draw winners for door prizes near the end, ~10:30. How can you get raffle tickets? Be awesome; be funny; be fun; be festive! Be all the good things!
Treats: If you haven’t rsvp’d yet, please visit our Stitchoween event and do so. We have 8 RSVPs so far. Let’s just say our members are very inspired by this time of year and may like a count for treats.
Until soon, my lovelies!
Mistress Kiara

As many of you know, Halloween is one of our favorite holidays. Participation is not required to come stitch with us but we would love it if you did. We LOVE Kiara’s events! I will add more information as it becomes available. ~ Rebecca
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